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Choose your categories

A completed entry will include:
1. Entry Form
2. 1000-2000 Word Submission
3. Company Logo
4. UK contact details
5. Customer endorsements (optional)


With the exception of the Global category, organisations entering the Awards must have an office in the UK. When nominating an individual (categories 1-4) your entry must include a large, high resolution photograph of the nominee.


1. Business Continuity/Resilience Manager of the Year
This award will be presented to the individual judged to have demonstrated exceptional achievement in the role of business continuity or resilience manager over the past year. Individuals will be judged on both their experience and understanding of business continuity and resilience issues. Entries should include a brief description of the company’s business continuity and resilience philosophy, together with the candidate’s involvement in its development and implementation; and an explanation of the innovative and creative ideas that have been used by the candidate to resolve problems within the organisation in establishing and developing an effective business continuity or resilience programmeEnter here

2. Lifetime Achievement
This award will be presented to the individual judged to have demonstrated outstanding achievement within the business continuity/resilience arenas, and professional excellence over the course of a significant career in the industry. The entry should demonstrate the nominee’s high level of professional credibility, a considerable public relations profile, and a high level of respect within the industry in general. Nominees should have at least 20 years’ industry experience. Enter here

3. Newcomer of the Year
This award is designed to honour the individual newest to business continuity and resilience. With the freshest ideas, this individual is recognised by his/her peers as bringing outstanding qualities and immense potential to the discipline. Entries should show evidence of the nominees’ application of originality and ingenuity, evidence of potential within the business continuity/resilience industry and an understanding of its wider impact within their organisation. Applicants might also consider submitting their views on the development of the profession. Nominees will have been in the industry for less than five yearsEnter here

4. Public Sector Manager of the Year
This award is for the individual judged to have demonstrated exceptional achievement in enhancing the resilience of a public sector organisation (including local authority or central government agencies, public-private partnerships) over the past year. Individuals will be judged on both their experience and understanding of business continuity and resilience issues. Entries should include a brief description of the organisation’s business continuity and resilience philosophy, together with the candidate’s involvement in its development and implementation; and an explanation of the innovative and creative ideas that have been used by the candidate to overcome organisational and financial constraints to achieve goals. Enter here


5. Specialist Company of the Year
Designed to acknowledge providers of business continuity/resilience/disaster recovery/crisis communications services/solutions, entries should detail products, services or projects undertaken and how success was achieved. Judges will award innovation and quality as well as customer service and satisfaction. In addition to the main entry, nominating companies must include two customer endorsements of 200 words each. Enter here

6. Specialist Technology Company of the Year
Designed to acknowledge providers of business continuity/resilience/disaster recovery/crisis communications services/solutions, entries should detail products, services or projects undertaken and how success has been achieved over the past judging year. The panel will award innovation and quality as well as customer service and satisfaction. In addition to the main entry, nominating companies must include two customer endorsements of 200 words each. Enter here

7. Consultancy of the Year
In judging this category, recognition will be given to teams that excel in business continuity, resilience and operational risk management. Among the factors considered will be the use of creative ideas to resolve problems, innovation in the actual techniques used, the instigation of a resilience culture in the organisations worked with, the strengthening of relations between service suppliers, insurers and business continuity and resilience professionals. Applicants might also consider submitting their views on the development of the profession. The main entry should include details of the activities of the consultant or advisor, past successes and overall strategic philosophy. In addition to the main entry, nominees must include two customer endorsements of 200 words each. Enter here

8. Team of the Year 
This award aims to recognise the human capital of the business continuity/resilience department across the enterprise, including teams that cross geographies and disciplines. The award is designed to honour continuous development and the achievements of the team. Judges will be looking for evidence of excellence in teamwork and communication skills as well as the varied skills profile of the team. Entries will also demonstrate evidence of leadership by the team leader. Enter here


9. BCM Planning Software of the Year
This award will be presented to the company whose entry demonstrates that the software is of innovative and original design. This category will recognise the software developer that has done the most for companies of all size to improve their continuity management and operational resilience whether servicing the public or private sector. Judges will also be looking to award the company that has incorporated into the product best practice within the field of business continuity management. The entry must relate to product improvements and achievements made within the 18 months prior to February 2024. In addition to the main entry, nominating companies must include two customer endorsements of 200 words each. Please note, the ‘company’ is understood to be the originator of the software, as opposed to a reseller. Enter here

10. Innovation of the Year 
This award will be presented to the company which has demonstrated the most innovation in product development over the past judging year. Entries should outline the nature of the solution, its philosophy and details of how it can aid companies in their business continuity/resilience function. The entry must relate to product improvements and achievements made within the 18 months prior to February 2024. In addition to the main entry, nominating companies must include two customer endorsements of 200 words eachEnter here

11. Cloud-based Services
This category is for suppliers or in-house solutions to issues of business continuity management that are hosted on the cloud. Whether ensuring the use of a single important function in event of a crisis, or enabling remote working of an entire operation, the judges will be looking for effective planning and implementation of the technology. Enter here


12. Strategy of the Year
This award will be judged on an evaluation of the business continuity programme instigated at either a global or domestic level. Recognition will be given to the overall philosophy behind the strategy, the use of innovative techniques and ideas and the success of implementation across the company, and particularly with the risk and insurance functions. Judges will look for successful implementation and testing of processes, the effective use of business impact and risk analysis, the installation of a resilience culture, the addressing and management of people issues, and evidence of applicable resources to achieve the above. We welcome entries that relate to ongoing strategies, as well as those for single/one-off events. Enter here

13. Initiative of the Year
This award will recognise the awareness initiative that is both educational and supports the resilience message throughout the organisation, public or private. Further, the initiative should aim to drive industry thinking forward, encouraging buy-in at board level and involvement throughout the organisation and in the wider community. Examples of potential initiatives includes apps, films, roadshows, innovative use of new and social media or any unique/unusual idea for raising business continuity awareness internally. Enter here

14. Disaster Recovery Award – Physical 
This category recognises the strategy/team or company that best demonstrates the skills and activities required for successful disaster recovery following a physical event, such as fire, flood, supply chain or health and safety incident. Entries may be submitted by internal teams, external suppliers, or in partnership. Judges will look for the response capability demonstrated in plans and effective plan communication throughout the organisation. Entries should detail the procedures used to achieve RTOs, how any additional problems which became apparent during the recovery process were dealt with and, finally, the lessons learned and subsequent improvements made to plans. Enter here

15. Disaster Recovery Award – Digital
This category recognises the strategy/team or company that best demonstrates the skills and activities required for successful disaster recovery following a digital event such as an IT or telecom outage, cyber attack or data breach. Entries may be submitted by internal teams, external suppliers, or in partnership. Judges will look for the response capability demonstrated in plans and effective plan communication throughout the organisation. Entries should detail the procedures used to achieve RTOs, how any additional problems which became apparent during the recovery process were dealt with and, finally, the lessons learned and subsequent improvements made to plans. Enter here

16. Transformation Award
This award will recognise the individual or team that has achieved the greatest improvement in the management or planning of continuity for their organisation, thoroughly embedding it across all departments and operations. Success will be evidenced by business continuity management having become an integral part of the organisation’s DNA. Enter here

17. Resilient Workforce Award
This category recognises the company’s most important asset – its people. Judges will be looking for evidence of business continuity practices that put people at the heart of business continuity planning. Entries should demonstrate how communications and exercising form part of the organisation’s commitment to both safeguarding the workforce, and leveraging this vital asset. Enter here

18. Testing & Exercising
This category is open to companies that have implemented high-calibre testing and exercising programmes throughout their organisation – an essential element of a resilient posture. Entries will describe how scenarios and programmes were devised what lessons were learned, and how improvements were instigated as a result. Enter here


19. Strategy through Partnership
This award will be judged on an evaluation of the business continuity programme instigated by at either a global or domestic level, and carried out in partnership with external consultants, specialists or suppliers, including insurers. Recognition will be given to the overall philosophy behind the strategy, the use of innovative techniques and ideas and the success of implementation across the company, and particularly with the risk and insurance functions. Judges will look for successful implementation and testing of processes, the effective use of business impact and risk analysis, the installation of a resilience culture, the addressing and management of people issues, and evidence of applicable resources to achieve the above. We welcome entries that relate to ongoing strategies, as well as those for single/one-off events. Enter here

20. Recovery in Partnership of the Year 
This award will be judged on an evaluation of the recovery programme instigated by at either a global or domestic level, and carried out in partnership with external consultants, specialists or suppliers, including insurers i­­­­­­n the face of adversity over the past year. Examples could include pandemic-related disruption, IT and telecom outages, cyber attack or data breach, flood or other adverse weather event, fire, supply chain incident, physical security incident, or other health and safety incident. Nominations should outline the nature of the problem faced and how it was countered. Entries should detail the procedures used to achieve RTOs, how any additional problems which became apparent during the recovery process were dealt with and, finally, the lessons learned and subsequent improvements made to plans. Enter here


21. Excellence in BC in the Financial Sector
Financial services are heavily dependent upon the continuity of its systems and operations. Therefore continuity planning has to be of the most resilient and flexible kind, with effective strategy, teamwork and implementation 24/7/365. The judges will seek evidence of thorough planning and testing. Enter here

22. Excellence in BC in a Tech Company
Tech firms are heavily dependent upon the continuity of its systems and operations. Therefore continuity planning has to be of the most resilient and flexible kind, with effective strategy, teamwork and implementation 24/7/365. The judges will seek evidence of thorough planning and testing. Enter here

23. Supply Chain, Transportation & Logistics Award
The resilience of the supply chain, of transportation networks and logistics have come under intense scrutiny in recent times, following a series of events including but not limited to the COVID-19 pandemic and the grounding of the Ever Given in the Suez Canal. This award is open to organisations that can demonstrate effective strategies in the face of disruption. This category is open to companies alone, or in partnership with a provider. Enter here

24. Resilience in Infrastructure & IT Service Delivery
This award will be presented to the organisation with the most resilient approach to its IT service delivery. The judges will take into account the planning for continuity as part of a larger strategy and the overall design of IT infrastructure from both the resilience and efficiency perspectives. Entries should outline its successful approach at achieving the balance between security and availability. The winning entry will exhibit innovation and scalability. This category is open to supplier organisations as well as in-house strategies. Enter here

25. Excellence in BC in Retail – NEW CATEGORY
Retailers are heavily dependent upon the continuity of their systems and operations, as well as the resilience of their workforces. Therefore continuity planning has to be of the most resilient and flexible kind, with effective strategy, teamwork and implementation 24/7/365. The judges will seek evidence of thorough planning and testing. Enter here

26. Excellence in BC in Manufacturing 
Manufacturers are heavily dependent upon the continuity of their systems, operations and their workforces. Therefore continuity planning has to be of the most resilient and flexible kind, with effective strategy, teamwork and implementation 24/7/365. The judges will seek evidence of thorough planning and testing. Enter here


27. Best Contribution to Continuity & Resilience
This category will acknowledge progress over the past judging year of the organisation, public or private, that can demonstrate the most progress in advancing the continuity and resilience cause to the wider business community in the ‘permacrisis’ era. Judges will take account of innovation in the development of techniques deployed to underpin resilience, innovation in product development and/or services and a commitment to advancing the professionalism of the industry. Entries are welcomed from the entire spectrum of service providers / providers of technology or corporate / public entities whose contribution has made a difference. Enter here

28. Diversity Award
This award goes to the business continuity team – either in-house or provider side – that can demonstrate a real understanding of the broad nature of, and need for, diversity in a modern organisation, either in the way it has shaped its business, its product offering or otherwise. Enter here

29. Marketing Campaign of the Year
This award recognises the provider with the most cutting-edge, relevant and effective marketing campaign across the global business continuity and resilience fields, which aims to raise awareness of their specific offerings to the market, or raise awareness of a particular theme. Enter here

30. Global Award
This category is for organisations without a UK presence, but which has in their home country or globally created a business continuity or resilience capability of outstanding quality. Entries should include a brief description of the company’s business continuity and resilience philosophy and evidence of successful implementation. Enter here

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