Choose your categories
A completed entry will include:
1. Entry Form
2. 50 word entry summary
3. 1000-2000 Word Submission
4. Company Logo
5. UK contact details
1. Risk Manager of the Year
This award is the hallmark of outstanding performance by the risk management professional who has accomplished most in the past 12 months in reinforcing their organisation’s risk management framework, inspiring their team and offering creative thinking to the risk management community as a whole. Risk professionals in organisations of all sizes and sectors are all potential contenders for this award. Please include a high resolution (min 300dpi) photograph of your nominee. Enter here
2. The IRM Risk Management Leader of the Year
This award will be presented to the individual deemed to have contributed most to the world of risk management. Entries should include details of what the nominee has done to advance risk management or champion its principles, highlighting exceptional achievements and their impact on the practice of risk management. Please include a high resolution (min 300dpi) photograph of your nominee. Enter here
3. Newcomer of the Year
This award will be granted to the risk management professional with fewer than five years’ industry experience. They may be from another discipline or have just started their career. Entries must be able to demonstrate the impact this individual has had upon risk management within their organisation or the sector. Please include a high resolution (min 300dpi) photograph of your nominee. Enter here
4. Risk Management Team of the Year
This award will mark the best collective achievement in risk mitigation teamwork within an organisation. Contenders will be able to demonstrate that ideas and efforts that individual team members have contributed towards the group’s achievements. Entries will be accepted from teams of businesses of all size – from small teams to those of major multinationals. Enter here
5. Operational Risk Award
For teams, individuals, consultancies or companies, this category recognises the operational risk programme that has created increased security within financial operations. Both innovation and original thinking will be rewarded. We acknowledge the potentially sensitive nature of submissions, and we will also allow descriptive rather than technical detail within nominations. Enter here
6. Risk Management Programme of the Year
This award is designed to recognise a sustained single programme with risk management at its heart. This might be designed to reduce accidents within a fleet or on a construction project, or to mitigate exposure to flood and/or catastrophe risks. If there is one particular aim of this programme and it can be demonstrated to have achieved results, then it is eligible. The judges will seek evidence of success against a clearly defined set of goals. Enter here
7. Cross-Border Risk Management Award
This award will be presented to the organisation that can demonstrate how it has built a risk management function capable of operating across multiple business and legal jurisdictions that are geographically diverse (across international boundaries and cultures), including from within the UK. Entries should outline the organisation’s risk management programme, the development, scope and achievements of its team(s) and the way in which it communicates the risk message to the wider company – and how all of these align with local conditions as well as overall organisational goals. Enter here
8. Major Capital Projects Award
Robust risk management is essential in ensuring that major capital projects are delivered on time, to budget and safely. With multiple different parties involved, coordination is also a major element. This award recognises a project that has successfully met these criteria and can be considered a major project in its scope. Enter here
9. Public Sector Risk Management Award
This category seeks to reward the team that has tackled the inherent risks of operating within a public sector environment. The winning team will be able to demonstrate best practice from which all organisations can learn. In a period where many teams have suffered major cuts to budgets, this award is especially well deserved. Enter here
10. ERM Strategy of the Year
This award will be presented to the company which has best demonstrated the implementation of an enterprise risk management programme. Entries will describe the embedding of ERM into the culture and operations of the business, to solve real-world business problems, current and emerging, and which may include pandemics and climate change. Enter here
11. Risk Management App of the Year
This award will be presented to the company or team responsible for the creation (or significant development in the past judging year) of an app designed to address a range of pertinent risk management challenges, such as pandemic risk, climate reporting, travel risk management, and so on). The app may have been developed for internal use, or offered to the market. In addition to innovation and ease of use, judges will be looking for evidence of successful implementation and proof of use. Submissions must include screen shots and may include an online demo. Where applicable, customer endorsements are encouraged, and will be accepted in addition to the main entry wordcount.
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12. Award for Risktech
This category will acknowledge the risk management software or solution that has delivered real value to user organisations over the past judging year in their management of the full spectrum of risk challenges. Evidence of successful implementation, and of the product’s benefits must be provided in the entry. Customer endorsements are encouraged, and will be accepted in addition to the main entry wordcount. Enter here
13. Risk Management Specialist Company of the Year
This award will be presented to the company that is dedicated to providing effective risk management solutions to its clients. Entries should detail products, services or projects undertaken and how success was achieved. Judges will award innovation and quality as well as customer service and satisfaction. Customer endorsements are encouraged, and will be accepted in addition to the main entry wordcount. Enter here
14. Cyber Security Product of the Year
This award will be presented to the company whose product most successfully demonstrates their advanced skillset in dealing with the growing threat of cyber risk. Successful submissions will demonstrate the providers understanding of the diversity of this risk, and scalability to respond to the threat as it evolves. Customer endorsements are encouraged, and will be accepted in addition to the main entry wordcount. Enter here
15. Best Use of Technology in Risk Management
This award will reflect the ability of an organisation to proactively use technology to deliver recognisable benefits in its management of risk, whether from a vendor or developed in-house. Evidence of implementation over the past 12 months should be provided in the entry. This category is designed to acknowledge implementations and their successful outcomes. Where applicable, customer endorsements are encouraged, and will be accepted in addition to the main entry wordcount. Enter here
16. Best Use of AI in Risk Management
This award will reflect the ability of an organisation to proactively use artificial intelligence to deliver recognisable benefits in its management of risk, whether from a vendor or developed in-house. Evidence of implementation over the past 12 months should be provided in the entry. This category is designed to acknowledge implementations and their successful outcomes. Where applicable, customer endorsements are encouraged, and will be accepted in addition to the main entry wordcount. Enter here
17. Risk Management Innovation of the Year
Judges are looking for innovation that has been initiated for the first time during the 18 months before the entry deadline, and which has the potential to change the way in which risk management may be approached. This could be a process, or a new way of working with technology. Entries must show evidence of innovation and original thought. Enter here
18. Diversity Award
This award will be presented to the organisation that can demonstrate a commitment to diversity in its risk management activities. Entries should present the organisation’s policy towards diversity in the workplace and demonstrate how this policy is implemented practically in the way that risk management staff are recruited, trained and promoted within the organisation. Entries should demonstrate how the organisation supports and promotes diversity in the context of managing risk. Enter here
19. International Risk Management Award
Please note: this category is for companies without a UK office.
This award will be presented to the organisation that can demonstrate that it has built risk management into the very heart of its operations – encompassing the full scope of enterprise risks. Entries should outline the organisation’s risk management programme, the development, scope and achievements of its team(s) and the way in which it communicates the risk message to the wider company – and how all of these align with local conditions. Enter here
20. Public Safety Award
This award will be presented to the organisation that has demonstrated the most success in developing a product or innovation of any kind that has as its sole focus the safety of the public. Examples may include pandemic planning or management tools, innovative reporting or warning systems, safety solutions for crowded places or security in the built environment, for instance. Enter here
21. Best Workplace in Risk Management
This award will be presented to the risk management provider that can demonstrate a commitment to creating an outstanding workplace culture and environment for its staff. Judges will be looking for evidence of measures put in place to safeguard the workforce's psychological and physical well-being, in an environment that reflects the modern organisation's fresh approach to work-life balance. Enter here
22. Climate Risk Award
This award will be presented to the organisation that has made significant progress in assessing and managing climate risks – both operationally and strategically. The judges will want to see strategy, long-term vision and evidence of success so far. Enter here