A BSI study of over 1,000 senior decision makers in UK businesses points to big net zero goals, and even bigger barriers, as 83% are committed to achieving the UK’s legally binding net zero emissions target, but 92% say barriers are hindering efforts.
Some 23% are not confident of achieving net zero by 2050 and 28% say their organisation will be taking no action at all in the next 12 months.
Elsewhere, 38% are not confident net zero can be achieved without significant cost to their business; 47% said cost was a barrier to decarbonisation and for two-fifths it was the main barrier. 51% said the cost-of-living/energy crisis had impacted their organisation’s ability to take action on net zero in the past year, down only slightly on 2023.
Scott Steedman, director-general of standards at BSI said: “I am pleased to see from this research that many businesses are starting to turn net zero ambition into action. However, we need to go further, and faster. Non-financial reporting will soon force businesses that don’t show leadership in their supply chains to become followers. From government, now is the moment for a clear policy environment that encourages organisations to invest and innovate towards net zero. We have made great progress in the last 12 months in aligning international standards with the net zero transition and disclosure requirements and we now have the opportunity to press ahead to scale up the implementation of best practices for decarbonisation across all sectors. First movers have the potential to benefit most through enhancing their own performance, building the confidence of their stakeholders and helping to accelerate our common progress towards a sustainable world.”
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