Blueprint Two phase one digital services postponed

The cutover to Blueprint Two phase one digital services has been postponed.

Scheduled for a target date of October 2024, the project has faced significant challenges, particularly where testing is concerned.

John Neal, CEO of Lloyd’s said: “As we progress with delivery of phase one, we’ve faced challenges which have impacted our timelines, particularly with testing. Market testing of the new platform is progressing but running eight weeks behind schedule, driven by onboarding and integration issues. We’re confident we can resolve defects quickly and encourage the market to maintain momentum with their own testing schedules.”

Neal said that a new target date will be decided once contingency plans, and other key activities have been completed or are near completion.

These key activities include completing the technology build safely; maintaining testing momentum, as well as training and onboarding users; and providing assurance to market participants.

No indication of a new schedule has so far been shared.

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