Placing Platform Limited today celebrates the binding of the first risk on the new Next Gen platform. Placed by Lockton’s Profin team and underwritten by Duncan Sinnott of Markel International, the news follows just days after Monday’s live launch.
Carl Smith, head of Europe operations and transformation at Lockton said: “We have been closely involved with the testing of Next Gen and were delighted to bind the first risk on the platform. We were involved at an early stage because Lockton recognise that Next Gen will change the dynamics of the placing process, by helping us to move to a ‘digital first’ approach to placing risks.”
Carys Lawton-Bryce, COO at Markel International added: “‘As part of Markel’s drive to make it easier for our broking partners to trade with us, this year we’ve committed to taking things up a few gears when it comes to innovation. This means we’re seizing opportunities to work with pioneering companies like PPL and to get involved with progressive digital platforms like Next Gen.”
Joe Gordon, CEO of Placing Platform Limited commented: “Another pleasing milestone achieved. Thank you and congratulations to Lockton and Markel International who were first out of the traps with Next Gen.”
Pictured (left to right): David Chamberlain, assistant vice-president, Lockton, Iman Davies, PPL relationship manager, Joe Gordon, CEO, PPL and Tom Young, underwriter, Markel International
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