The UK Government has this week announced a series of measures aimed at bolstering the UK’s resilience, including the long awaited launch of a public emergency text alert system for the UK, as well as changes to the Civil Contingencies Secretariat.
Lead Minister for Resilience and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Kit Malthouse, said: “To make sure that government continues to offer the best possible prevention and protection against threats, we are shaking up how we prepare for and respond to emergencies, strengthening the effective resilience capability we already have in place.
“We will launch a new public emergency alerts system in the Autumn which will focus on extreme weather, revolutionising our ability to ‘warn and inform’ people who are in significant and immediate danger. These alerts will be sent direct to people’s mobiles giving details of the emergency - such as local flooding - explaining what to do and how to seek help.”
As part of the series of changes, the COBR unit is expected to be supported by a dedicated team known as the National Resilience Framework Team, whose job it will be to “future-proof” the UK from harm. This will involve taking “a deeper look at our approach to risk and how we mitigate it and help us take huge leaps forward in terms of collecting, analysing and using live data”.
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